The conference program is available in PDF form here
The booklet of abstracts is available here
Monday 5 October | |||
08h30-08h40 | Welcome | ||
08h40-10h25 |
Session 1 : MHD Turbulence Chair: Chris McKee |
Topics in MHD turbulence | A. Beresnyak | I | |
Self-gravitating Magnetoturbulence | A. Kritsuk | I | |
Spatial gradients of polarization vector | B. Burkhart | I | |
Studies of the ISM magnetic field from anisotropies in synthetic PPV cubes | A. Esquivel | Is | |
10h25-10h55 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
10h55-11h55 |
Session 2 : Turbulence in protoplanetary disks Chair: Jose Franco |
Magneto-rotational instability in protoplanetary disks | S. Balbus | I | |
Formation of proto-multiple systems in a magnetized, fragmenting filament | C. Hull | C | |
Magnetic Fields in Protostellar Disks: Current Status and the Upcoming ALMA Revolution | R. Rao | C | |
11h55-12h05 | Poster Presentation 1 (4 posters) : Ntormousi, Takamoto, Xu, Hanasz | ||
12h05-15h00 | Lunch | ||
15h00-16h30 |
Session 3 : Non-ideal turbulence Chair: Diego Falceta-Gonçalves |
Dissipation and intermittency in the magnetized ISM | P. Lesaffre | I | |
Energy dissipation in incompressible turbulence with ambipolar diffusion | G. Momferratos | C | |
Coupling PIC and MHD approaches | A. Marcowith | I | |
Magnetic Field in the Outer Heliosphere and Beyond | N. Pogorelov | C | |
16h30-16h40 | Poster Presentation 2 (3 posters) : Williams, Sobey, Seta | ||
16h40-17h10 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
17h10-18h10 |
Session 4 : Plasma Turbulence Chair: Bryan Gaensler |
Magnetic plasma turbulence: where theory meets observations | S. Boldyrev | I | |
Observations of solar wind turbulence (presented by A. Beresnyak) | O. Alexandrova | I | |
18h10-18h50 | Discussion 1 : The different kinds of magnetized turbulence | ||
Chair | A. Lazarian | ||
19h00-21h00 | Welcome drink | ||
Tuesday 6 October | |||
08h30-10h00 |
Session 1 : Reconnection I Chair: Emmanuel Dormy |
Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas |
A. Bhattacharjee | I | |
Magnetic Reconnection: experiments and theory | H. Ji | I | |
Numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection in solar wind : collisional vs collisionless regime. | G. Kowal | C | |
Laboratory astrophysics with magnetized laser plasmas | A. Ciardi | C | |
10h00-10h10 | Poster Presentation 3 (4 posters) : Nowak, Hill, Rajpurohit, Terral | ||
10h10-10h40 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
10h40-12h10 |
Session 2 : Reconnection II - Acceleration of relativistic particles Chair: Glennys Farrar |
Reconnection in non-relativistic and relativistic turbulent astrophysical media | A. Lazarian | I | |
Particle Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection | E. de Gouveia Dal Pino | I | |
Particle acceleration in relativistic magnetized shocks and reconnection | L. Sironi | I | |
12h10-12h20 | Poster Presentation 4 (4 posters) : Girart I, Fissel, Cortes | ||
12h20-15h00 | Lunch | ||
15h00-16h30 |
Session 3 : Dynamo I Chair : Katia Ferrière |
The VKS experiment and theory of magnetic field reversals | F. Petrelis | I | |
Magnetic fluid-structure Dynamo | Y. Ponty | C | |
Dynamos in stars | E. Dormy | I | |
Generation and Saturation of Magnetic Fields in Turbulent and Multiphase ISM Regulated by Star-formation feedback | C. Kim | C | |
16h30-16h40 | Poster Presentation 5 (4 posters) : Hoq, Bracco, Montgomery, Cashman | ||
16h40-17h10 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
17h10-17h55 |
Session 4 : Dynamo II Chair: François Pétrélis |
Turbulent Dynamos | E. Vishniac | I | |
17h55-18h35 | Discussion 2 : Reconnection, dynamo and acceleration of relativistic particles | ||
Chair | H. Ji | ||
Wednesday 7 October | |||
08h30-10h15 |
Session 1 : Polarization / Star Formation I Chair: Blakesley Burkhart |
Zeeman measurements of the Magnetic Fields in star forming regions | R. Crutcher | I | |
Magnetic fields in the turbulent ISM: simulations face observations | C. McKee | I | |
Polarization maps (Zeeman and dust emission) from MHD simulations | D. Falceta-Goncalvez | I | |
Dust Polarization in the Infrared Dark Cloud G34.43 | Y. Tang | C | |
10h15-10h45 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
10h45-12h00 |
Session 2 : Polarization / Star Formation II Chair: Anaëlle Maury |
The link between magnetic fields and cloud and star formation | H.-B. Li | I | |
Polarized dust emission in massive star forming regions | Q. Zhang | I | |
The Importance of the Magnetic Field from an SMA-CSO-Combined Sample of Star-Forming Regions | P. Koch | C | |
12h00-12h10 | Poster Presentation 6 (4 posters) : Kothes, Girart II, Rangaswamy, Vansyngel | ||
12h10-12h30 | Poster Session | ||
Free afternoon | |||
Conference dinner | |||
Thursday 8 October | |||
08h30-10h30 |
Session 1 : Galactic Field and Faraday Sky Chair: Rainer Beck |
Magnetic fields in the Galactic halo | K. Ferrière | I | |
A model of the Galactic magnetic field | G. Farrar | C | |
The Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey (GMIMS) : unveiling the Galactic magnetic field | E. Carretti | C | |
The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS) | D. Clemens | C | |
The Faraday sky | N. Oppermann | I | |
Filamentary structures in LOFAR observations of the interstellar medium | V. Jelic | C | |
10h30-11h | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
11h00-12h30 |
Session 2 : External galaxies Chair: Tom Troland |
Magnetic fields in external galaxies | M. Krause | I | |
Polarized dust emission in the LMC/SMC | A. Hughes | I | |
Magnetised wind and synchrotron halo of IC10 | K. Chyzy | C | |
Effects of the ICM on the magnetic field of a Virgo galaxy | A. Damas | C | |
12h30-15h00 | Lunch | ||
15h00-16h15 |
Session 3 : Galaxy Clusters I Chair: Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino |
Cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies : relativistic particle acceleration | G. Brunetti | I | |
Collisionless MHD turbulence in the inter-galactic medium | R. Santos-Lima | I | |
Clusters, radio haloes, and the evolution of the ICM magnetic field | V. Cuciti | C | |
16h15-16h45 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
16h45-17h45 |
Session 4 : Galaxy Clusters II Chair: Steve Balbus |
Magnetic fields in galaxy clusters: cosmological MHD simulations | K. Dolag | I | |
Cluster magnetic fields as revealed by diffuse radio emission | L. Rudnick | I | |
17h45-18h30 | Discussion 3 : Magnetic fields in star forming regions, galaxies and galaxy clusters: their connexion? | ||
Chair | R. Crutcher | ||
Friday 9 October | |||
08h30-10h15 |
Session 1 : Polarization /ISM (processes/observations/simulations) I Chair: Dan Clemens |
Dust grain alignment by radiative torques | T. Hoang | I | |
Magnetic field structure from Planck polarization observations of the diffuse Galactic ISM | F. Boulanger | I | |
Statistical properties of polarized dust emission : lessons from a model of the turbulent and magnetized ISM | F. Levrier | C | |
Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds using Planck | J. D. Soler | C | |
A New Multiscale Analysis of the Gradient of Linear Polarisation | J.-F. Robitaille | C | |
10h15-11h15 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
11h15-12h30 |
Session 2 : Polarization /ISM (processes/observations/simulations) II Chair: Josep Miguel Girart |
Magnetically Aligned HI and Dust: Measuring B-mode Polarization Foregrounds with Neutral Hydrogen | S. Clark | C | |
Statistical properties of the polarized emission of Planck Galactic cold clumps | I. Ristorcelli | C | |
E- and B-modes from the magnetized filamentary structure of the interstellar medium | T. Ghosh | C | |
Magnetic fields and massive stellar feedback | M. Alves | C | |
Magnetic fields in the periphery of GMCs | T. Troland | C | |
12h30-14h30 | Lunch | ||
14h30-15h00 |
Session 3 : Primordial magnetic fields Chair: Klaus Dolag |
D. Paoletti | I | ||
15h00-16h45 |
Session 4 : Observational and Instrumental prospective Chair: Chat Hull |
Non-Zeeman Circular Polarization of Molecular Spectral Lines in the ISM | M. Houde | C | |
Prospects for CTA | H. Sol | I | |
The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey | G. Heald | I | |
Polarimetry with the SKA | B. Gaensler | I | |
16h45-17h15 | Coffee and Poster Session | ||
17h15-18h15 | Discussion 4 : Conference highlights and perspectives | ||
Chairs | The SOC | ||
18h00-18h15 | Concluding remarks | TBD | |