Second announcement
Final registration
The list of the participants has been posted on the conference site at http://mfu5.sciencesconf.org/resource/listeparticipants/
The final registration is therefore open. It has to be done on the IESC website at http://www.iesc.univ-corse.fr/fr/participation/inscriptions-en-ligne/acces-enregistrement/idecole4/828/ using the same username and password as for the pre-registration.
The final registration will close on September 10th.
Bus transportation between the Ajaccio airport and the IESC
Bus transportations have been arranged between the Ajaccio airport and the Institute on Sunday October 4th at about 5:30PM and Saturday October 10th (arriving at the airport by about noon). These time schedules will be adjusted to the arrival/departure times provided by the participants.
Waiting list
Due to attendance constraints at the IESC, there is a waiting list of 26 persons. In case of foreseen cancellation, we would appreciate that you inform us at mfu5@sciencesconf.org as soon as possible, so as to allow participants on this waiting list to attend and have travel organized on time.
Contributed talks
The selection of the contributed talks by the SOC is on-going. The SOC decision will be announced by August 20th and a provisional program will then be posted.
Registration fee
Registration fee (if any) will be due by September 15th.
First announcement
Most of the baryonic matter in the Universe is composed of ionized or partially ionized gas permeated by magnetic fields (i.e. plasma state). Magnetic fields therefore play a key role in its evolution.
This conference will be the fifth edition of the series "Magnetic Fields in the Universe" : from Laboratory and Stars to the primordial Structures" that, since 2004, have brought together experts involved in Astrophysical, Space and Laboratory Plasmas and youn researchers. The goal of this series is to provide ample exchange of the new results and recent progress in these distinct but closely related research areas and provide the new generations with a broad perspective of the field. It has allowed cross-pollination of disciplines.
The topics addressed cover magnetic fields in a broad variety of precesses and environnements : from plasma laboratory to the solar corona, the heliosphere, the interstellar medium, external galaxies, clusters of galaxies, the intergalactic medium and the primordial Universe. The perspectives given to the audience on each of these topics are theoretical and/or numerical, as well as observational.
Magnetic fields are notoriously difficult to observe in space because their measurements involve polarized signals that are weak in general and polluted by intrumental effects. Only now do we enter a new era when observations are able to challenge theory. This is so thanks to new facilities in several frequency domains.
Imaging polarimeters in the visible and sensitive bolometers with polarimetry capability in the submillimeter domain have been installed on new telescopes and interferometers,such as ALMA in Chile. These facilities already allow a major step forward in our knowledge of magnetic fields in star forming regions, in molecular clouds, in protoplanetary disks, in stars. In the radio domain, new facilities, such as LOFAR, and coming ones, such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and the Australian SKA pathfinder (ASKAP), will also address fundamental questions about the evolution of the Universe including the origins of the first stars and the generation of magnetic fields in space.
Another major international instrument dedicated to cosmic-rays, the Cerenkov Telescope Array (CTA), a gamma-ray facility in the GeV-TeV domain, will impact not only the domain of high energy astrophysics but also cosmology and fundamental physics. Another breakthrough is the all-sky survey of polarized emission performed by the Planck satellite over a broad frequency range (70 GHz to 353 GHz). The polarized data have been publicly released in late 2014.
The topics addressed will cover :
A - Fundamental processes :
B - Magnetic fields in astrophysical environments:
C - Numerical and observational challenges
Invited speakers
Olga Alexandrova (Observatoire de Paris, France)
Steve Balbus (U. Oxford, UK)
Amitava Bhattacharjee (Plasma Physics Lab, Princeton, USA)
Andrey Beresnyak (NRL, Washington, USA)
Jean-Philippe Bernard (Observatoire de Toulouse, France)
Stanislav Boldyrev (U. Wisconsin, USA)
François Boulanger (IAS, Orsay, France)
Gianfranco Brunetti (INAF Bologna, Italy)
Blakesley Burkhart (CfA, U. Harvard, USA)
Richard Crutcher (U. Illinois, USA)
Klaus Dolag (USM, Munchen, Germany)
Emmanuel Dormy (IPGP, Paris)
Alejandro Esquivel (UNAM, Mexico)
Diego Falceta-Goncalvez (U. Sao Paulo, Brasil)
Katia Ferrière (Observatoire de Toulouse, France)
Bryan Gaensler (DUNLAP, U. Toronto, Canada)
Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino (U. Sao Paulo, Brasil)
George Heald (ASTRON, The Netherlands)
Thiem Hoang (CITA, U. Toronto, Canada)
Hantao Ji (PPL, Princeton)
Alexei Kritsuk (UC San Diego, USA)
Alex Lazarian (U Wisconsin, USA)
Pierre Lesaffre (ENS, Paris)
Hua-Bai Li (CHUK, Hong-Kong, China)
Sui-Ann Mao (MPIfR, Bonn, Germany)
Alexandre Marcowith (U. Montpellier, France)
Chris McKee (UC Berkeley, USA)
Niels Oppermann (CITA, U. Toronto,Canada)
Daniela Paoletti (IAS, Bologne, Italy)
François Petrelis (ENS, France)
Eric Priest (U. St Andrews, Scotland)
Lawrence Rudnick (Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics, USA)
Reinaldo Santos de Lima (U. Sao Paulo, Brasil)
Lorenzo Sironi (CfA, Harvard, USA) [TBC]
Hélène Sol (Observatoire de Paris, France)
Ethan Vishniac (U. Saskatchewan, Canada)
Qizhou Zhang (CfA, U. Harvard, USA)
Format of the meeting
There will be a number of reviews and invited talks. Three discussions of 1 to 1.5 hour each will be organized on “hot” topics and will be introduced by two speakers (20 -25 minutes each), either one observer and one theorist/numericist, or presenting two controversial views.
The above list of invited speakers is not yet complete and the choice of the discussion topics and introducers still under discussion in the SOC.
Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts.
Posters will be on display for the whole duration of the meeting. One dedicated poster session will be set.
The attendance is limited to 99 persons. In the unlikely case that the number of registered participants exceeds 99, we will make a selection with the following criteria : (1) encouraging the attendance of students and post-docs, (2) scientific criteria based on the abstract submitted.
The pre-registration will be free of charge until the list of participants is established.
Important dates and contact
First announcement : 17 april 2015
Second announcement : 10 July 2015
Abstract submission deadline : 15 June 2015
Pre-registration deadline : 15 June 2015
Registration deadline : 10 September 2015
Payment deadline : 15 september 2015
Colloquium : 5 - 9 October 2015
Contact : mfu5@sciencesconf.org